Bar Mitzvah
Looking for a Bar Mitzvah tutor in Los Angeles area? LA Hebrew Teacher has been successfully working with Bar/Bat Mitzvah students across Los Angeles for over 15 years, ensuring the Bar/Bat Mitzvah process goes smoothly.
Whether you belong to a synagogue or attend a private or public school, we can help you navigate through your Bar/Bat Mitzvah journey. We believe it is best to start preparing for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah as early as 18-24 months in advance. Our team can work one-on-one, or with a small group to help you prepare for the big day. Our aim is to make the journey informative, inspiring, and a once in a lifetime experience. It is our mission to involve our students in the traditions of Judaism, giving them a solid foundation to pass onto future generations.
In addition to making your Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience phenomenal, our team will involve all family members, making sure everyone is ready to take part on the big day.
We will make sure that each boy has their own pair of Tefillin, knows how to put it on correctly, and make the proper blessings. Most importantly, each boy will understand the reasons behind the tradition of Tefillin.
Both boys and girls will be presented with Mitzvah projects, which will not only allow them to give back to their community, but also be a part of Tikkun Olam- repairing the world.